Welcome! We offer digital marketing, web design, eCommerce stores, and social media management services to help businesses create and execute effective digital strategies based on results.


Implementación CRM Clientify


Capta más leads, aumenta las ventas y fideliza a tus clientes. Consigue resultados y crece organizando todas tus ventas, marketing y el equipo comercial con la solución todo en uno favorita de las pymes.

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Web desing plans and pricing


Websites compatible with mobile devices (responsive) and manageable content (CMS).
Our plans come with domain, hosting, and SSL security certificates, so you can feel confident in the security of your online store.

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Online Store (eCommerce)


Ecommerce has been consolidated over the last decade, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Implement your online store with different payment methods, easy checkout, promotional codes, and all the tools to grow your sales.

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Digital Marketing


Social networks are the ideal place for reaching the target audience of almost any brand.
This way of promotion is more effective in the long run because it creates a stronger and more lasting bond with your customers.

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Logo creation and branding


When it comes to building a brand, there are a lot of elements to consider. Creating a strong brand is the most effective way to stand out in your industry, attract new customers, and keep current ones interested.

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Tickets system and customer service


Our support ticket system and customer service will help you manage everything from requests to complaints and claims. The most efficient and friendly way to process the different requirements of your customers.

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"Online success starts with a solid strategy, eye-catching design, and a strong presence on social media"

Peter Drucker


Responsive Web Designs and eCommerce


If you are looking for a web design company in Bucaramanga that offers high-quality digital marketing solutions, then you have come to the right place. We provide professional and effective web design services to help our clients establish a strong online presence and achieve their business objectives. With a focus on attractive and functional design, and a wide range of results-driven digital marketing solutions, we are confident that we can help you create a solid and effective online presence.

Discover some of our success stories
in web design and digital strategies.



Brand design and corporate identity manuals are crucial pieces in any company's strategy. A strong and coherent visual identity helps build a recognizable and differentiated brand image, which translates into increased customer confidence and loyalty.

Ventajas de nuestros CMS Administrador de contenidos

Benefits of our
Content Management System (CMS)

Unlimited and easily manageable content.
You will be able to modify texts, images, videos and basically any type of content on your website. Also, in the posts and blog module, you will be able to include images, galleries, videos, and downloads in the different sections of the website. This gives you complete control over your site and ensures that it is always up-to-date..
SEO Optimized – First places in Google searches
Friendly URLs, SSL security certificates, optimized SEO and manageable metadata to achieve better positioning in Google and be able to share content or advertising campaigns on social networks.
Statistics and corporate emails
Access the detailed statistics of your website within the Content Editor, you can also manage your corporate email accounts, delete, create and change passwords of your users. You are in complete control.
Custom modules and developments
Specialized developments, customer registration, intranet, secure and download area, database, virtual office, among others.

See all benefits



"In this section, you will find interesting content about branding, web design, current events, technology, and other relevant topics. Here, we will share articles, trends, and tips to help you improve your digital marketing strategy and enhance your online presence.

Automatización y CRM: Herramientas esenciales para el crecimiento de tu empresa y la estrategia de marketing digital

Descubre cómo la automatización y un CRM pueden impulsar el crecimiento de tu empresa y mejorar la efectividad de tu estrategia de marketing digital.
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7 estrategias prácticas y efectivas para hacer crecer tu negocio

Cuando comienzas un negocio, estás invirtiendo tu tiempo y esfuerzo en algo que esperas sea exitoso. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos esto no es así, ya que tan solo en Colombia 8 de cada 10 empresas fracasan en el primer año de vida, siendo este uno de los principales problemas con el que los nuevos emprendedores se enfrentan día con día.
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Marketing de Contenidos para Tiendas eCommerce: Técnicas Innovadoras para Contar Historias que Impulsen las Ventas

Descubre técnicas innovadoras de marketing de contenidos para tiendas eCommerce. Aprende cómo contar historias que impulsen las ventas y mejoren la conexión emocional con tus clientes.
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Estrategias de Marketing Digital: Cómo Maximizar tu Presencia Online con Contenido Personalizado y Publicidad Omnicanal

Descubre las estrategias de marketing digital más efectivas para maximizar tu presencia online en 2024. Aprende a utilizar contenido personalizado y publicidad omnicanal para crear experiencias coherentes que generen un mayor compromiso y conversión.
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Black Friday and Its Revolutionary Impact on Digital Marketing: Key Strategies and Insights for Business Success

Discover how Black Friday has transformed digital marketing. An in-depth analysis of its history, evolution, and essential strategies for entrepreneurs and marketing professionals.
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Digital Marketing Strategies and Web Design: The Perfect Combination

In today's vast digital universe, merely having an online presence isn't enough; you need to stand out. A website is any business's calling card in cyberspace. But how do we ensure that this website is not only seen but also drives conversions and fosters customer loyalty? The answer lies in the strategic fusion of impeccable web design and the most advanced digital marketing tactics. Join us on this journey with Damos Solutions and discover the perfect mix for digital success.
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Decoding Digital Marketing: An Essential Acronym Dictionary

Dive into the fast-paced world of digital marketing with our comprehensive guide to essential acronyms like CPC, CPM, ROAS, and more. Learn to leverage these concepts for your marketing success.
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Accelerating Your Business with Digital Marketing

Discover how digital marketing can transform your business and how We Provide Solutions can be your strategic ally on this exciting digital journey.
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Qué Son los Backlinks y Por Qué Son Importantes para el SEO

Learn what backlinks are and why they are crucial for your SEO strategy in this detailed article from Damos Soluciones. We provide you with concrete examples, practical recommendations, and explain their importance.
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Redacción de contenido SEO: estrategias para maximizar el alcance y aumentar las clasificaciones SERP

La escritura de contenido SEO básicamente significa escribir contenido que sea óptimo para los motores de búsqueda. Independientemente de si es un individuo o una empresa, la redacción de SEO es necesaria para usted porque es la única forma en que puede una fuerte presencia en línea.
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